Thursday, 4 September 2014

The Finished Product!

Here it is - my finished Lip Dub!

Hope you enjoy it - I had so much fun making it. Please leave me a comment, and feel free to share the clip around as widely as you like!

Sunshine and Rainbows


Tuesday, 2 September 2014

On Air!

My reflection for today - Speaking live on television is hard!

Today I spoke on Canterbury Live after they played my lip dub. It was so exciting to see my lip dub finally go live and to realise that I have actually made it to the end of my personal project successfully!

I have had some awesome feedback from lots of people about my interview. It was a hard thing to do, but I am glad I did it.

Sunshine and Rainbows


Monday, 1 September 2014

The Countdown Ends!

Yay! Tomorrow is the day I go to CTV and my lip dub gets shown on their "Canterbury Live" programme at 4.30pm. Lisa sent through some possible questions that I might get asked, but she warned me that Andrea, the host, will probably go off track and ask me some things that aren't on this list!

How did you come up with the idea of the lip dub for your school project?
How much planning did it take?
You asked permission from Jamie McDell to use her song - how did you go about this and what was her response?
You involved the whole school - how many students and staff did this include and how long did you have to rehearse for?
It was all done in one shot - what kind of organisation did this take?
You got to be involved with the editing here at CTV - what was that experience like?
What was your favourite part of the whole process?
Are you proud of what you managed to achieve?

Yesterday, the lip dub was shown to the entire school at assembly. Afterwards I got a lovely email from one of the Junior School teachers:

"The gorgeous part of today was watching the Year1 girls face's as they viewed it. They were mesmerised by it and loved seeing themselves especially. I hope it ends up on the website so we can all view it over and over."

Nearly there! My board is looking great! I can't believe I am almost at the end!


Sunshine and Rainbows


Sunday, 31 August 2014

Clipper Board

I found a great piece of clip art today that I will use as the background for the information on my planning board. By making screen shots of pictures from the lip dub, I can add them to the clip art of the movie clipper board. This is the result:

Today I did lots of work putting my ideas from my blog and my essay into bullet points so that there isn't too much information for my audience to read on my board. When I print them out tomorrow at school, I will get a better idea of whether the colours I have chosen work or not. 

Tomorrow morning I play my lip dub in assembly to the whole school! I hope they enjoy it!!


Sunshine and Rainbows


Saturday, 30 August 2014

3 Days to Go!

Today I have continued to work on my presentation board. I have heard from CTV and they want me at the studio on Tuesday at 4.15pm, ready to go live at 4.30pm! Next week at school we start putting everything together ready for Thursday! It's going to be a busy week!


Sunshine and Rainbows


Thursday, 28 August 2014

My Presentation

This week, I have been working on my presentation. It is going very well and I have completed half of it. I have also chosen to create a small 'room' out of two existing walls and two orange boards. I can then drape fabric over the top and have a table set up with three iMacs and headphones. On the boards will be my information and another two iMacs with my padlet and my blog on the other. 

Today, I also had a meeting with Dr Bird, talking about what I would say when on CTV as it is advertising for the school.


Sunshine & Rainbows

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Another Sneak Peek

This week, I have been working on the presentation of my Personal Project. Unfortunately, the movie theatre idea may not work, but if it doesn't, I would still like a mini theatre but have 3-4 iMacs with headphones so that people can view the lip dub without being disturbed. I will also have my padlet that I have created for feedback and my orange board with black clapperboards and my information.


Sunshine & Rainbows 