Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Sending The E-Mail

I am very excited. Today I sent the e-mail to the man who filmed, edited and planned the lip dub for StAC. I didn't use the same e-mail that I had drafted. I got my mum to proofread it before I sent it off. This is the final product:

I hope that he will be able to help me. If the cost or time is too much for my project, I will revert to my plan b (though I'd rather not) of creating a movie to showcase the school, but without the lip dub part. I can't wait to get a reply and am sure that he will be very helpful.
Sunshine & Rainbows

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Getting A Contact

Today, I drafted an e-mail to the man who planned, filmed and edited the StAC lip dub.

I have decided not to start planning yet as the cost or time may be too much and I will have to either try to get funding from the school or revert to plan b; Filming a showcase of the school, with music behind it, but without the lip dub part.

If you have any ideas, please comment, or even just to tell me what you think.

Sunshine & Rainbows

Sunday, 23 February 2014

More Videos

As part of my homework, I have been researching a lot of school lip dubs and thinking about what I think makes a really good lip dub for showcasing a school. Here's one that I thought was not so great. Notice the quick changes and the song isn't well known.

Based on the information I have gathered, I have compiled a list of what I think makes a good lip dub


  1. Choose a song that people will know. If they don't know the song, they won't engage as well.
  2. Choose an upbeat song. A slow song won't capture peoples attention and they may immediately switch off.
  3. When someone is walking through the school and lip-syncing, don't make a lot of sudden changes of person leading the song. A person should sing at least one phrase before changing. 
  4. Make the lip-syncers walk forwards and have the filmers walking backwards. It looks bad on the film if the lip-syncers have to keep looking behind them.
  5. Have people around you doing things that are really what you do at your school. If there are too many things then choose the ones that best showcase your school. Cream pies in the face? Not such a good idea.
  6. Make sure that the people in the background are actually doing something as opposed to just waving their arms in the air.
I have also found some really good lip dubs. This one, from Cleveland High School, has elements I like but also some that I don't. For example, I like that it is a song that I know but I don't like that the background people aren't really doing anything.

My next step is to contact the person who created and managed the StAC lip dub. I need to find out how long approx. it will take and how much it will cost to create my lip dub. I hope that I won't have to refer to a plan B.

Sunshine & Rainbows

P.S. Please comment to tell me what you think and if you know anyone or anything that might me able to help me. I love hearing what you have to say.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

What Is A Personal Project?

This year, all year 8 students at my school are going to be doing a personal project. This is part of the IB programme, where you can choose to do a project on anything; icing cakes, composing music or even making an agility course for your dog. You need to make sure that it is something that you love, and will love in three terms time, because you do it for three terms.

I have decided to make a lip dub to showcase the school. Then I will donate it to the school so that they can use it for marketing. Some of my inspiration came from the St Andrews College's lip dub that they did to showcase their school. Here is their lip dub.

I can't wait to create my lip dub. I hope that I will gain skills such as organisation, time-management and filming skills. I hope that you can follow my process through this blog. In term 1, I will do most (or all if I can manage it) of the research and testing out the cameras and things. Then, in term 2, I will film and edit my lip dub so that it is ready to go in term 3, when I will work on the presentation of my work and writing the essay that you need to write. This essay is what most of the marking of the personal project is done on.

Sunshine & Rainbows

P.S. There will normally be more pictures, I just don't have any yet :)