a) Years 5 - 8 Teachers and Students
b) Support and Specialist Staff
c) Year 1 - 4 Teachers (for them to fill in the form as a class)
The google form I sent to Year 5 - 8 looked like this
The same form was sent to Year 1 - 4 Teachers and Support/Specialist Team except I deleted the last question.
Even in that short amount of time, I have already received thirty responses. The four most popular places have been; The Playground (17), The Atrium (14), The Food Tech Room (13) and Other (13).
I can't wait to get more answers and I will use this information to help me to develop a route that I will most likely use. This will also be useful for my proposal when I create my mock up of the lip dub.
Best places of the school - ✔
Sunshine & Rainbows
P.S. Feel free to fill out the form if you know anything about Selwyn House.