Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Presenting ... The Song Poll

And here it is ... The moment you've all been waiting for ... Theeeeeeeeee Song Poll: 
Remember, I am looking for a song that is upbeat and happy. It needs to be catchy and will translate to a lip dub easily. Please vote only once.

What song do you think would work best for my lip dub?
Jamie McDell - Life in Sunshine
Stan Walker - Take it Easy
Dane Rumble - Not Alone
Poll Maker

As you may not know what some of these songs are, I have put in the links to the videos of the songs;
Jamie McDell - Life in Sunshine
Stan Walker - Take it Easy (The Radio Version - the one I will use if it wins the poll)
Dane Rumble - Not Alone

Once I know what song I am using and which route, I will be able create a mock up of the lip dub for my proposal.

Song - Practically Finished

Sunshine & Rainbows

Deciding On Which Songs For The Poll

Today, I have really nearly come to a decision on which song I will use. I looked up NZ Songs, and came up with a list. From this list, I listened to the iTunes snippets of the songs and put the songs into two piles; Yes and No, based on my first reaction to how they sounded.
From the 'Yes' List, I looked up the lyrics - luckily, because some of the lyrics weren't quite suitable. In the preferable column, are the songs that I would prefer to use after having a closer listen to them. This is the table I created.

As you can see, there are three songs with yes in each column. These three songs are; Jamie McDell - Life in Sunshine, Stan Walker - Take it Easy and Dane Rumble - Not Alone. My preference is to use a female artist but I'll have to wait and see if I can. 

In my next post, I will have the poll for you to vote on which song you think will work best.

Song - Nearly Done

Sunshine & Rainbows

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

FREAKING OUT!!! (But getting a steadicam)

Today, I called up one of my contacts, Daniel. He works for IDo Films and I knew that he owned a steadicam. I was really nervous just before calling - I think it's because I like being able to see the people I'm talking too. Before I called, I wrote down a list of questions that I wanted to ask him and I practised the beginning of the phone call with Mum!




I didn't need to worry - Daniel was really nice and easy to speak with! He gave me lots of great advice about steadicams. Basically, they are like a pogo stick which a camera sits on, connected to a springy arm which is connected to a vest that the steadicam operator wears. This means that any footage that is filmed is steady even when the operator is moving around - hence the name steadicam.

A Steadicam and Operator

Daniel gave me lot of information about the cost of hiring a steadicam and an operator. I am thinking of using a half day option which is $500 for 4 hours for the steadicam plus $150 an hour for the operator. I don't think I will need the full day 8 hour option because of the small size of our school. 

This was a very exciting experience. I enjoyed being a risk-taker with this and I am really proud of myself! Next step for this part of the project is putting the costs together into a proposal and meeting with my new principal and the marketing manager at my school.

Thanks heaps Daniel!

Ring Places for Steadicam ✔

Sunshine & Rainbow

Thanks to all of my viewers.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Another Possible Route

Before I created the route, I used arrow sticky notes and put them on the map, showing where the important things that weren't named on the map were. For example, the Food Tech Room and the Technology/MakerSpace Room. In this way, I made sure that I remembered everything. I then mapped out the route on the map. Here is what it looked like.

You can't quite see but it starts at the tennis court and ends at atrium. There is a 'Fudge' at the cybrary to 3D because I couldn't figure out another way to get to a classroom without backtracking. The final plan looked like this;

The unused classes will be used for lining the hallways. I will create another route soon so that I can create the mock up for the proposal which I will have to do next term with our new principal because our old one just left. You'll notice I added Spanish this time Señora Ryan :) LOL

Sunshine & Rainbows

Friday, 4 April 2014

Hopefully a Steadi-cam

Today, I asked my Dad to contact a lady that we know whose husband works as an editor. This is so exciting because I got his contact and he says that he would be able to help me to edit my lip dub.

She also put me in contact in with a man who owns a Steadi-cam. This is very exciting because it means that I will hopefully be able to get a Steadi-cam soon. I am writing a very short post to night but tomorrow I will most likely be creating another draft for a new route. I will write another post tomorrow.

Get a contact for a Steadi-cam - ✔

Sunshine & Rainbows

P.S The next route will include the Spanish Room :)

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

The 1st Route

Today, I got some sheets of A2 paper with the map of the school so that I could start planning my route. I went back to my data and looked at the summary which shows me which areas of the school the most people voted on. I used this, and my own personal favourites, to create a draft of a possible route. It was great to have ideas from the rest of the school because they thought of things that I would have forgotten. The final graph ended up looking like this.

Creating a route took a lot longer than I had expected. It wasn't just the places I had to think about, I needed to consider what activities were going to be happening in these places. Some activities such as Makerspace or Cooking required a teacher. This was something else that I needed to consider. 

Some activities, like FPS and KidsLit, although they were popular when I looked at my survey, I could tell that they would not translate well onto a screen. For this reason, I chose activities that had lots of movement and ones where it would be clear what was going on.

The first route that I came up with is this:

I soon as I finished this route, I realised that I had forgotten a couple of important things. For example the Spanish Room (sorry Señora Ryan LOL) and the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme that runs at Selwyn House.

I will continue to create drafts and after about three or four drafts I will have a mentor meeting with Señora Ryan and get some feedback from her and my Mum on which route they think will translate best to screen. I need to decide on a route soon so that I can create a mock up of the lip dub for my proposal.

Map of the school/Route ✔

Sunshine & Rainbows