Sunday, 31 August 2014

Clipper Board

I found a great piece of clip art today that I will use as the background for the information on my planning board. By making screen shots of pictures from the lip dub, I can add them to the clip art of the movie clipper board. This is the result:

Today I did lots of work putting my ideas from my blog and my essay into bullet points so that there isn't too much information for my audience to read on my board. When I print them out tomorrow at school, I will get a better idea of whether the colours I have chosen work or not. 

Tomorrow morning I play my lip dub in assembly to the whole school! I hope they enjoy it!!


Sunshine and Rainbows


Saturday, 30 August 2014

3 Days to Go!

Today I have continued to work on my presentation board. I have heard from CTV and they want me at the studio on Tuesday at 4.15pm, ready to go live at 4.30pm! Next week at school we start putting everything together ready for Thursday! It's going to be a busy week!


Sunshine and Rainbows


Thursday, 28 August 2014

My Presentation

This week, I have been working on my presentation. It is going very well and I have completed half of it. I have also chosen to create a small 'room' out of two existing walls and two orange boards. I can then drape fabric over the top and have a table set up with three iMacs and headphones. On the boards will be my information and another two iMacs with my padlet and my blog on the other. 

Today, I also had a meeting with Dr Bird, talking about what I would say when on CTV as it is advertising for the school.


Sunshine & Rainbows

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Another Sneak Peek

This week, I have been working on the presentation of my Personal Project. Unfortunately, the movie theatre idea may not work, but if it doesn't, I would still like a mini theatre but have 3-4 iMacs with headphones so that people can view the lip dub without being disturbed. I will also have my padlet that I have created for feedback and my orange board with black clapperboards and my information.


Sunshine & Rainbows 

Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Hooray! I am so excited that my lip dub is going to be shown on TV soon. Yesterday the lip dub was shown to the staff, and although I couldn't be there, I got lots of fantastic feedback, including:

Wanted to let you know how fantastic the Lip Dub looks and how superbly organised it was.
We are very proud of your efforts - look forward to the positive fallout it will bring our way.
It couldn't have turned out better. 
It is obvious the careful creative planning you have put into this. 
A fantastic legacy to leave for the school. 


Sunshine and Rainbows


The Countdown Begins

And the countdown begins. Airing date is drawing closer and sneak peeks are going to be in each blog post. Today, I am showing the final lip dub to the staff and on Monday next week, I will show it to the school, the day before it airs on CTV. 

Sneak Peek Number One:

Sunshine & Rainbows

Tuesday, 19 August 2014


Today, I have:
• Worked on my essay
• Created a Google Presentation to plan for how I will present my work
• Sent an email to my teacher to ask if I can use the inside of our IT man's office

Here is my planning

Sunshine & Rainbows

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Getting the Lip Dub Back

Today, I got the lip dub back from CTV. I was so excited. But, there were some things that I needed to change. We sent an email back to the lady who sent it to us with a couple of changes. I will show you when I get it back but for now, it is a surprise.

I have also completed my Process paragraph of my essay and started my conclusion.

Sunshine & Rainbows

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Editing The Lip Dub

On Friday, I was able to go to CTV and watched and helped Alex (the cameraman) and Nick (the editor) to edit my lip dub. They used a program called Final Cut Pro which is like a high tech, flash version of iMovie. First, we changed around the colours because it was a bit dark in some places. We also added the school logo to the beginning and end of the lip dub with a cross dissolve into and out of the clip. Near the end, I was able to add in the words that I had planned out. It was a great experience. I saw some awesome things including two computers that are essentially like two desktops except they are both open and on different computers! So cool!

Outside CTV
I learnt that any frames with effects, sound, text or similar must be rendered. There are about 25 frames to a second. In one of the Lord of the Rings movies, it took 24 hours to render one frame. After we had finished and I was waiting for Dad to pick me up, Nick showed me around the studio. I saw their makeshift recording studio. After the earthquakes, CTV lost their building. Their makeshift studio is too small for more than one set. In between two of the shows, there is just a five minute break for them to switch the sets. Nick said it is like chaos but as soon as they are on air, it is calm like nothing happened. :)
Beginning the editing

During this week I also had another mentor meeting with SeƱora Ryan. She seemed really excited and we had a look at my essay. I also wrote the 3rd paragraph, Planning, for my essay.

The Editing Screen

On September 2nd, they will be showing my lip dub on CTV and I have been asked to come in and have an interview about the process. I am really excited.

Sunshine & Rainbows

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Filming Day!

Today was the big day and I thought about my lip dub throughout it. During lunchtime, I setup the Tech Room with help from my teacher and the Atrium with help from some other girls. Then, just after lunch, we all gathered below the stage. Then we dispersed to our starting positions. From then on, anything that needed to be fixed, couldn’t be fixed.

The first time we ran through it was quite bad probably because the cameraman hadn’t been through the route yet and was getting directions fired at him by Dad who was holding the sound system. We did it a second time and it got better. The third time was good but there were some fix ups that needed to happen. The cameraman walked round slowly so that he definitely knew where he was going.

After a final shoot, I got up and said thank-you to all of the girls for their enthusiasm and to the teachers for interrupting their programme. And then, it was all over. This is a sneak peak!

I don't currently have access to the footage at the present point but I will have it on Friday when I go to the CTV editing suite in the morning, where I will see, find out about the editing and hopefully do a bit myself.

Sunshine & Rainbows

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Whole School Practice

Friday was a very exciting day. Just after lunch at school, we had a final rehearsal for the CTV filming of my lip dub. Everything went so well and there was a great buzz around the school. We ran it through three times with Dad filming on the iPad. Here is a sneak peak at the rehearsal. (I don’t want to show the real thing just yet.)

As you can see, it was very successful but I still have a few more gaps to fill. On Sunday night, I watched it through with Mum and we noted down all of the gaps that needed to be filled and all of the fix-ups that needed to happen. We also decided that we would have words flashing up on the screen saying what we were doing. They were things like ‘We innovate’ ‘We design’ ‘ We create’ and at the very end, we decided to put the school motto ‘I am, I can, I ought, I will’ but we changed it up a bit to say ‘We can. We ought. We will. We are Selwyn House.’

So excited for Tuesday - I hope the weather will be fine!

Sunshine & Rainbows


Friday, 1 August 2014

Busy Week!

This week was extremely busy for me so I didn't have much time to blog but here is a little bit of what I've been doing.

Started Essay
Wrote slips for specialists and pre-school
Talked to 3A,
Handed out slips for specialists and for pre-school
Continued Essay. Completed Paragraph 1
Continued Essay. Completed Paragraph 2
Run through with 3A, 4D and 8C.

Friday was probably my busiest day but I have made a good start on my essay, which I am very proud of. I have completed the Introduction and Research paragraph of my essay and plan to complete the planning paragraph of my essay this week.

Sunshine & Rainbows
